For my groups interactive learning resource, it is an online training tool regarding brain lobes which helps students by providing them with learning material to study on. We understand that there are different types of learners who requires their unique set of needs. This is why to ensure that we can meet most if not all of our learners needs, we will need to approach creating this resource through a user centric design. In this design, we stress the idea that there is no one size fits all, meaning no single method or approach will fit all the designated learners. We may look to start the course with asking the learner a number of general questions regarding education/knowledge levels, and setting the goal for the online course. As different students learn differently, we will look to provide a variety of activities throughout the course. Additionally, in our online learning resource, we will ensure that there are different types of content (short videos, short reads, etc…) that is delivered to the learner. This is because there are potential obstacles for example where one student learns better reading whereas another learns better watching a video. Throughout the online course, we aim to design a tool that can fully assist a student who needs help at any point in time. This would require the design to include tips throughout the course, and having checkup prompts once in awhile. The learning resource will also provide different forms of assessment activities, which may include answering True/False questions, matching terms to the definition/image, creating case scenarios, etc… By involving the learner and encouraging them to take part in these activities will hopefully maintain their interest to continue learning. While designing this tool for our learners, we know that it is impossible to fully accommodate all their needs. However, we will be utilizing universal design in the hope that many tools that we include will benefit most of the learners. Ensuring that the resource will fit a diverse community who are eager to continue learning.
Figure 1: https://www.answerlab.com/insights/the-business-case-for-inclusive-research
Thank you for a brief overview of how your interactive learning resource will ensure that the needs of diverse learners can be met. I wonder, what particular Universal Design principles/checkpoints do you plan to integrate? You may also think about how to optimize access to tools and assistive technologies to support learners with special accommodation requests.